Hysteria is an art organization that is concerned in youth empowerment of community based. We focus on issues about art, youth, urban culture, and community developing.
Hysteria was founded by 4 people in the last 2005, the forerunner of this community started from a literature flyer which distributed by Yuswinardi since September 11, 2004. This flyer contained of articles about poems, short stories, essay, propaganda, and sometimes slogan. After less than one year, Heri C Santoso had an idea to reunite the first exponents of the community they are Adin, Tulis Gus Yon, Yuswinardi and Heri CS (recently Gema Yudha also strengthen this formation). From that meeting in Imam Barjo Auditorium, UNDIP we have been decided to make a community. As time goes by, the formation changes always happen until 2007 where the coordinator and leader position held by Adin. From years to years Hysteria as a community survived until 2011, and at March 7 2011 Hysteria felt that this format was no longer relevant. From management point of view, we changed from community concept to an organization that had AD/ART and legally formalized by notary in April 2011.
To move forward the life of art in Semarang especially in urban art and to encourage the indiscipline society also to make this association not only evolve in local area but further than that national and international.
-To increase the human resources of community member and related partner as well
- to wider the global scale network - mapping the culture development in the city especially in art form events
- encouraging interdisciplinary art praxis and having a strong root in local area also contextual
- stimulating the occurrence of independent communities
- strengthen local, national, and international networks.
Basic Idea
Hysteria had a revision when realized that community role in doing value intervention might be quite strategic to campaign a critical aware. Therefore, being in community choice and or being in organization become a strategic also political choice in the middle of untidy infrastructure also how little the role shown up by the state. In the smallest area, Hysteria choose youth community to became our target. Besides higher focus, this communities also have interesting potency. Unfortunately, the community process is not as easy as it seems. Hysteria came up as friend, facilitator, and mediator for community therefore we can learn from one to each other.
Hysteria’s programmes are : publishing periodic zines, capacity building workshop, exhibition, gigs, movie or video screening, discussion, performing management, and other programmes with center point such as art, youth, community and city.
The Structure
Adviser : Yuswinardi S.S
Director : Adin
Secretary : Tri Utami (apprentice)
Program Manager : Purna Cipta Nugraha
Artistic : Bagus (apprentice)
Research Departmen : team
Contact us
Hysteria office : Jalan Stonen 29 Bendan Ngisor Semarang (024) 8316860, 085727088235 | 085640548119 | Email : hysteria_sastra@yahoo.com / hysteriakita59@gmail.com / hysteria@grobakhysteria.org
| FB : KolektifHysteria | Twitter : @grobakhysteria | Homepage : www.grobakhysteria.org